Errol Joseph
October 21, 2017
A Dance of Deliverance : His Part and Ours
Text: 2 Samuel 22
This song speaks of David and his experiences. Psalms 18 records an almost identical song with some variations. It was written when David was delivered from all of his enemies and Saul. Sometimes, when we are delivered, we set about enjoying our deliverance and forget to take time to worship God and to testify of His goodness. Luke 17:11-19 recounts the healing of the ten lepers of which only one returned to give thanks to Jesus.
Why was David in need of deliverance?
1. Vs. 4: David needed deliverance because he had enemies. Deliverance means rescue. An enemy can be either someone who or something that is against you.
Who/What are your enemies?
It may be a ‘who’- a colleague, friend, family member or people in general.
It may be ‘things’- sickness that limits us, a situation in our lives
It may be the ‘ups and downs’ of life, that is, the unexpected twists and turns of life that create difficulties and stress for us.
In the song, David talks again and again about death. He is fighting for his life. One would assume that David, who was described by God as a “man after my own heart”, would have no problems. However, life is filled with challenges and troubles (Job 14:1). Too often, we expect life to flow smoothly with no rough spots.
Movements of the Dance
1. Vs.2-3: David’s Acknowledgement of Who God Is
The situation, no matter how distressing, does not change who God is. In the midst of his enemies, David says the Lord is ‘my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my stronghold, the horn of my salvation’.
The words about God are not abstract (someone way beyond our reach) but personal and relational. David’s description of God tells of the intimate connection between him and his God. We too must remember who God is.
2. Vs.4,7: Call Upon His Name
In the midst of our distress and troubles, we tend to worry and complain but vs.4&7 tell us to call upon God. Sometimes, we call but when the response is delayed, we give up, we are ‘too soft’. However, we must be like David who called upon the Lord until God rescued him. Be persistent in our calling upon the Lord. Jesus emphasizes the point of persistence in Matthew7:7-8. What prompts our persistence in calling? Our understanding of who God is – Healer, Deliverer, Provider, Protector…
3. Vs.7-18: Expect Him To Act
Our God is not neutral. God takes sides for His children. What is God’s response to someone who calls upon Him? He begins to take action. God gets vex. He begins to move. God gets up out of His throne.
4. Vs.21-28: Remain Faithful To God
When everything seems to be going wrong and our world is falling apart, show yourself faithful to God. Remember that the situation is only temporary. Psalm 73 recounts David’s experiences and his faithfulness to God.
5. Vs.34-37: Use What He Has Given To Us
God gives us the skills and abilities to defeat our enemies. Vs. 38-39 describes what David did with the abilities God gave him.
There are some things that we have to do and they are to call on Him, listen to Him and do what is necessary with abilities God gives us.
6. Vs.50: Do NOT Forget To Praise The Lord
David returned to give thanks to God for his deliverance.
“Giving is not complete until there is an expression of gratitude.”
In the midst of our troubles and difficulties, God remains faithful. He is at work delivering us from our enemies.
He is who He says He is.