◼️ Joshua 1:8 NLT “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”
Devotions that Impact
Our quiet time with God, or devotions as it is more commonly called is the primary means by which we grow, and the primary way through which God speaks to us – our personal time with God.
Devotions that impact begin with a commitment. It is not about being legalistic and religious, or following a number of “dos and don’ts”, but rather employing principles that will make your time with The Lord a meaningful one. Often times people are encouraged to have a devotional time, but sadly are not taught how to establish a devotional time.
Choose a time of day when you are at your best and when there is least distraction.
Some may say morning is best while others prefer evening, but we are all different, and each individual would know what time is best for him or her. Decide on what is best for you. However, one advantage of setting your devotional time in the morning, is that it is less likely to be crowded out by your other activities, and you are able to set the tone for your day.
Choose a quiet place and be armed with your Bible and notepad. Rather than focus on how long you should spend, seek to incorporate the following during your quiet time:
▪️Worship & Prayer – start your devotional time with a time of worship as you focus on God. It is helpful to select a song that expresses your love for God, and softly play and/or sing as you ease into this time. (Thanks to technology, we have easy access to such to use in our own personal space.). As you pray ask God to talk to you, and show you how to apply the Word to your personal circumstances.
▪️Reading The Word
God speaks to us primarily through His Word. There are many approaches to devotional Bible Reading. Some may use a devotional book; others may want to read the Bible through, while others may decide on selecting a particular book of the Bible to read, and even for others, a combination of approaches might be suitable. Any choice is fine. We need to remember here that QUALITY is better than quantity. It is certainly better to read one verse and meditate on that one verse, than read through an entire chapter, and not receive anything from it. If you are using a devotional, read not only the scripture verse in the devotional, but a few verses before and after. As you do so, first gather your own thoughts on the passage, BEFORE, reading the contents of the devotional.
(If you are now establishing a devotional time, consider using a devotional book. There are a number of good Devotionals penned by Bible Teachers and Authors, as well as those that are available on the YouVersion and Bible Gateway Apps. Using a devotional helps with consistency and content/teaching)
As you read the Word of God, think of the word SPECK:
S – Is there a sin to avoid
P – Is there a promise to claim
E – Is there an example to follow
C – Is there a command to obey
K – is there something to know
As you answer these questions, journal your thoughts and what you sense the Holy Spirit is showing you. If there is a verse that somehow catches your attention, or “leaps” out at you. Make a note of it, reflect on it, think upon it. Meditation starts here, but does not end when you close the Bible and say amen. It continues during the day, as you recall and reflect on what you read.
As you go to God in prayer, and conclude your devotional time, pray according to what you received as you read the Word of God. This is YOUR time with The Father so pray for yourself, your needs, your problems, pray for your family, guidance for the day ahead; Also pray for others, your leaders, national issues, your church, and anything else that is on your mind.
Meet with God because you want to meet with Him, because you want to learn more of Him, and because you want more of Him in your life. Church will only give you that much, but it’s a vibrant relationship with God that will sustain you, and it begins with having a relationship with Him, and sustaining it through talking and spending time with him, as with any other relationship that you share. Your devotional time is the avenue through which you nurture your relationship with God.