Church of the Open Bible, Marabella.

Train Yourself to be Godly

Date: Sunday 7th, January 2018.

Speaker: Rev. Errol Joseph

Scripture Reading – 1Timothy 4:6-16

Topic: Train Yourself To Be Godly


For this coming new year, I am not wishing anybody anything:

If you want health, see the doctor, eat well, work out.

If you want money, go to work.

If you want a lover, be honest and sincere in your relationships.

If you want success, work hard, be patient and perseverant.

If you want happiness, make your neighbours happy.

If you want salvation, trust God and do His will.

Let each and everyone be responsible in 2018.

What does it mean to “Train Yourself”? The term can be replaced with the word “Discipline”.

It refers to the bodily training and athletic exercises done by the Greeks in preparation for public games such as the ancient Olympic games. The literal translation is” to exercise naked”. Other meanings include : accustom someone to do something; control oneself by thorough discipline or to discipline oneself. In v.7b, when Paul says “train yourself”, he is calling us to a place of discipline.

Why train yourself to be Godly?

  1. The goal is a noble one. It is Godliness.  To be godly means having appropriate beliefs, practices and carrying out the obligations that godliness requires.
  2. The benefits are comprehensive. Physical training is of some value but it profits little but godliness has value for all things (v.8).  Godliness  affects the quality of your life now as well as  the life hereafter (eternity). 1Cor. 9:25  The athlete trained to win an earthly crown but we do it ‘to get a crown that is incorruptible’.
  3. The alternative is unattractive. You must discipline yourself to be godly. If you do not discipline yourself, you end up being disciplined by life (sin) and by others (the police/pastor). You can destroy yourself because you fail to discipline yourself either generally or in a specific area eg. mouth, temper, physical body.

 How to train yourself to be Godly?  

  1. You must get rid of whatever encumbers godliness (v.7). You must free yourself from every encumbrance that could possibly burden you. You must divest yourself from every obstacle such as:
  2.      Ideas that are ungodly. The biggest problem in church is people who are Christians but live on ideas of the world.
  3.     Physical things  eg. weight, clothing

                iii.   Spiritual   eg.  sin

  1. You must consciously pursue those things that enhance godliness. 1Cor. 9:27  Run with perseverance, labour, agonize, exercise (spiritual sweating) for the purpose of godliness.

 What are some areas in which you need to train yourself to be Godly?

  1. You must discipline your mind/thoughts. (Phil. 4:8Is.32:6, Rom.12:2)
  2. You must be disciplined in the study of the Word of God. (1Pet.2:2) Crave/Be ‘licorish’ for God’s word. You could never be godly without reading the Bible because it connects you to God.
  3. You must attend corporate worship (Heb. 10:25)
  4. You must pray. 1Thess. 5:17   Pray without ceasing.
  5. You must discipline your body to say no to ungodliness  Titus 2:12
  6. You must discipline your habits
  7. You must be disciplined in your giving

What help do you need in training yourself to be Godly?

Your gaze must be riveted on Jesus (v.10). You must exert yourself in the pursuit of Jesus. You must put your hope on the living God. You must put yourself in a place where God can work. Heb. 12:2 “Fix your gaze/eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. He is the one who enables, empowers and picks us up (Phil.2:13).


Few of the valuable things in life just happen. Take responsibility for your own spiritual life. Recognize its value. Continue training to be godly. Train on a consistent basis and be disciplined about it. It is a process. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is a great coach because He has done it all before.

Choose Godliness.